Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Plain old piece for "Plain"

....and boy, it makes a man hungry. I considered adding the "Lard Boy" imprint on the center donut, in homage to the classic Simpson's Halloween Special, but I feared for copyright infringement. But now I fear for copyright infringement just by typing "Lard Boy." CRAP! I did it again. Am I drunk or something?

Wait, I think I am.


Larry Lee said...

Love this.
Homer Simpson (darn, now you got me doing it) would be in heaven.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Plain donuts! Genius. And a very funny post too. Hope there's no hangover.

Mike Laughead said...

I love the concept and the execution. The composition works great. I didn't like that I could tell they were all the same donut when I looked at the larger version. 2 or 3 slightly altered donuts would have fit better. Also, I think the type would look better without the outline on it. Give the basic type color enough contrast with what is behind it and it won't need an outline.

Kstyles said...

HA! You're funny. Great illo.